ойчше фсййчйч - дбешв дчсен (амчишерй)
Micro Psychic by Nakashima Kengo & Kreis

ъоереъ ресфеъ:
азг одмдйийн двгемйн щм лрс бмчфем 2012 - лрс дчесойн двгем бтемн.

аен щм бешв щосъебб еощъзшш "бтцое" брйвег млз дощйлд!!
оецш оъезлн еайлеъй бтм орвреп амчишерй ожтшй.

ъшвен ома мтбшйъ бчшеб, бйръййн дресз барвмйъ бдощк дгу...

Micro Psychic was one of the hits of the 2012 Blackpool Convention.

See why Micro Psychic has received rave reviews and comments from Charlie Frye, Michael Weber, Gaetan Bloom and many other top names in magic.

A spectator screws a nut onto a bolt about half way up and then you hold it at your fingertips. The audience can always see your empty hands. Suddenly the nut starts to rotate and unwind off the bolt and finally drops off the end. It looks like some ghostly power is unscrewing the nut and bolt. It can be done visually or under a cup or handkerchief.

Here are a few considerations:
  • Nothing to hide in your hands.
  • No complicated body hook ups.
  • Can be immediately repeated as many times as you want.
  • Fully examinable before and after the effect.
  • Easy battery replacement.
  • Uses a battery commonly sold in stores worldwide.
  • Six months warranty.
  • No clothing limitation. You can wear short-sleeves. You don't even have to be wearing clothes!
  • No switches are required. In fact, no sleight of hand is needed.
  • No suspicious moves.
  • Audience themselves screw the nut onto the bolt and also you can hand the bolt and nut to them immediately after the effect.
The gimmick is self-contained WITHIN the bolt and nut yet your spectators can freely handle and examine the props. To see Micro Psychic in action is to see a modern marvel of engineering. To play with or to use Micro Psychic is to fall in love with it. It's a joy to use, to watch, and to perform. Micro Psychic may be one of the most amazing magic inventions you will see.

Create your own show with the Micro Psychic's stunning impact

* щйоп мб! лм сший д-DVD, ддсбшйн доцешфйн мчсойн едсфшйн дролшйн баъш щфп дн барвмйъ, ама ан цеййп бофешщ азшъ.

дфшйи ма чййн лшвт бомай
жоп асфчд : джорд озе'м - 3-4 щбетеъ

озйш швйм : 790 щ"з
озйш обцт : 720 щ"з
дзслеп щмк : 70 щ""з (9%)

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ъвебеъ (2 ъвебеъ)

дцв / дсъш

йа врбйн!!!
зецфд !! врбйн осшйзйн баъш щм - aliexperss жд темд 10.70$ щжд йеца лоти 40 щчм мтеоъ дозйш щмлн! аж млм дчерйн мфрй щаън черйн ощде ъсълме баъш щшщоъй млн!
ъвебъ щфп
збм щарщйн ма йегтйн мгбш вн ан йщ мдн дтшд. арзре оелшйн шч гбшйн очешййн еайлеъййн. ан аъд шецд мчреъ зйчей сйрй бжем - же жлеък. ма йегт од дайлеъ елоебп щоз щдоцйа аъ дчсн ма шеад ожд щчм. мцтшй ма зсшйн арщйн лоек щдешсйн аъ темн дчсойн.

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